The Gallery Choir is a volunteer choir made up of parishioners, and welcomes anyone 13 years old (9th grade) or above. The Gallery Choir sings three times per month, rotating between the 5:00 vigil Mass, and the 8:15 and 11:00am Sunday Masses, as well as on major feasts. The Gallery choir sings the hymns and responses for the Mass, as well as a wide array of choral music. The Gallery Choir rehearses on Wednesday nights from 7-8:30pm in the Church. PRIOR MUSICAL EXPERIENCE IS HELPFUL BUT NOT NECESSARY. The Gallery Choir year runs from the Wednesday after Labor Day through the Wednesday after Corpus Christi Sunday.
Interested in becoming a member of the Gallery Choir? Fill out the form below and Spencer will contact you. You may also see Spencer after Mass, or email him at [email protected].